Insights Capabilities


We have established capabilities across the following categories – submit insights requests via the requests form here

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Foot Traffic Analytics

Understand traffic patterns on our properties to interpret how, when, and where people are engaging with our space.

Orbital Insight: Office property occupancy tracking

Alexander Babbage: Retail trade area trends Traffic and demographic analytics

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Market Dashboards

Identify growth opportunities in markets familiar and unfamiliar to Jamestown. Combine alternative data such as social media and employment trends with traditional data.

7Park Zip Code Analytics: neighborhood-level trends around growth opportunities and consumer profiles

7Park Similarity Scores: compare neighborhoods across MSAs based on consumer, growth, and employment profiles

7Park Spending Dashboards: consumer spending by zipcode to understand profiles and preferences

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Community Surveying

Receive qualitative feedback from our communities via surveying capabilities.

HqO: office employee and retailer surveying

Hello Alfred: multifamily resident surveying

CoUrbanize: population surveying around properties


Consumer Spend

Understand retail and merchant trends to interpret property health, leasing opportunities, and consumer preferences.

Earnest Research Merchant Trends: Anticipate brand health across online and offline spend to support lease negotiation and property business planning.

7Park E-commerce Spend: understand how people are shopping online to interpret consumer needs and demands; potentially assess last-mile delivery viability.